Thursday, 2 July 2015

Marshmallow Challenge By Carrey Li

What you need for tools

  • 20 pesis of spaghetti
  • 2 marshmallow
  • 2m of tape

First you have to use the 4 spaghetti and use the tape and stick together and you make it to a line and make it looks like a noodle.

Next you need another 4 spaghetti and use the tape and stick up to the walls and it need to make it stronger and the shape is looks like a cecill.

After you need to get another 1 spaghetti and use the tape again and stick up to the wall and make it like a wood boat.

Finally you need to make the ladders and stick them up to the top of the slid and it need to like a minecraft ladder and stick up to the wood boat.

My plan didn't works and i fell little bit sad because that slide didn't​​ looks like my own slide in my mind. but the slide and put peoples on not the real people and the people looks like a spaghetti.
     the end

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