Saturday, 3 October 2015

Letters to Mrs Twit and Mr Twit by Riley

stonefields school
81 tihi street
Auckland 1072 New Zealand

Dear Mr and Mrs twit,
Please try and be nice to each other, and not play nasty tricks on each other,
If you really want to play a nasty trick on each other, don't please, instead
say a funny joke, And don't say Things like "You grizzly old grunion" instead,
buy them some flowers or a box of chocolates.You both have feelings and
fears, So please ,please do not say nasty things or do nasty things, like you
 are doing, it is just not okay.

P.S I will send you some treats if you stop doing all those nasty things
From Riley

Dear Riley 
I was told by Mrs Twit that I had to respond to this letter to say sorry for playing awful tricks on Mrs Twit and I took your advice and told her a funny joke instead to say sorry for playing all those nasty tricks on  Mrs Twit I bought her a box of chocolate like you said.
From Mr Twit

81 tihi street
Auckland 1072 New Zealand

Dear Mrs twit,
Mrs twit please please do not play nasty tricks on mr twit with your glass, eye I bit it is really freaky and surprising when you play tricks like that on mr twit, so please do not play tricks with your glass eye, Even if you don't play tricks with your glass eye you still shouldn't do it, Please send a  message telling me why you play tricks on Mr twit, With  your glass eye or with out,and why do play a trick back for revenge when it will just stop if you stop, and if it doesn't talk to you husband.
Thank You for Reading my letter.

From Riley.
P.S I will send you treats if you stop playing tricks on mr twit and give me a letter saying why you like playing tricks on mr twit, that doesn't involve revenge

Dear Riley
please send me some treats I have stopped playing tricks on Mr Twit the reason I play tricks on Mr Twit is partly for revenge but partly because I know that he is plotting something and I want to fool him before he tricks me. I have talked to my husband about it and he has responded to the other letter.
From Mrs Twit

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